“This training is a pilot project (August 2012 training with AAEB expert team), next we’ll go to schools (December 2012). We will train teachers and principals. Gradually the program will be at a national level. Let alone your job or other businesses, it helps even in our day to day life [Thinking Schools approach and methods]…”
Dilamo Otore Ferenje – Head of Addis Ababa Education Bureau (AAEB)
The video clip is from the recent Thinking Schools Ethiopia training for the Addis Ababa Education Bureau Expert team (300+ schools). They will be part of the facilitation team with implementing the Thinking Schools Ethiopia approach across the Addis Ababa Education Bureau school system. Initially there will be 60 schools from the 10 subcities of Addis beginning with the December training. The 60 schools training will start with leadership teams from each of the participating schools followed by ongoing whole school training at each of the 60 schools.
“An education with a great wide base that may be taken as a good practice that can be scaled up in any places…”
Addis Ababa Education Bureau expert
“The training is very good because it goes with the context of our country which has large class sizes…”
Addis Ababa Education Bureau expert
“Thinking School training’s methodology is related with the teaching and learning process… which helps students to understand things easily…”
Fesehaye Nigusie – Addis Ababa Education Bureau expert
“I have gained knowledge that students are not only receivers but they can also be active and reflectors… what I am most amazed at is on how to make complicated things easy for students simply…”
Thinking Schools Ethiopia – Eminence Social Entrepreneurs
“Growing Thinking Schools is concerned in transforming schools from traditional methodology to a methodology which involves the thinking process…”
Atsede Tsehayou – Thinking Schools Ethiopia – Eminence Social Entrepreneurs
“We are being trained on methods to let the students exploit their potentials”
Dade Girma – Addis Ababa Education Bureau expert