Thinking School Ethiopia is collaborating with the educational bureau of the SNNPRS (The Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Regions). Thinking Schools Ethiopia facilitated a three day training with the Southern Nations, Nationalities and People’s Region (SNNPR) Education Bureau Expert Team in Yirgalem (south of Awassa). The recent training on The Growing Thinking School Inside Out approach three day training (28 Feb, 1-2 March) was conducted for the Instructional and Administrative Leadership team of the education bureau. The whole school system approach it employs explains why the leadership team initially took the training. Thetraining creates a transparent condition in which the instructional leadership team actually assumes the roles students would play. Educators employ the powerful tools and strategies of the
Thinking School Approach in actual class room conditions enabling the leaders to materially witness how students would learn in a teaching for, of, and about thinking. An environment that educators will create for training in implementing the Thinking School model of effecting quality education in the region. The training was, from the facilitators point of view, a complete success. Reflections from the Awassa based Expert Team who are leading the whole school change initiative will be posted in upcoming days (video and text) here on the TSE website / blog. Additional examples and models of the training will also be posted here. The visual mapping below represents the experts thinking, visioning and planning for the next steps of training principals, leadership teams, then whole school training throughout the whole SNNPR region. Read more on the Southern Nations, Nationalities and People’s Region.
Dagim Melese – Co-Coordinator Thinking Schools Ethiopia
Click on the images of Thinking Maps and Mindscapes below to see a larger view. The visual maps represent collaborative teams insights and visions to implementing Thinking Schools Ethiopia approach and methods across the SNNPR region.
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Professional Learning Community • Yirgalem, SNNPR, Ethiopia • 1 March 2014
Ato Million – Head of SNNPR Education Bureau
Beginning the first day of training • 28 Februray 2014
SNNPR Education Experts Training • Slideshow Day 3 of 3 • 2 March 2014
Yirgalem, PNNPR, Ethiopia
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SNNPR Education Experts Training • Slideshow Day 2 of 3 • 1 March 2014
Yirgalem, PNNPR, Ethiopia
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SNNPR Education Experts Training • Slideshow Day 1 of 3 • 28 Februray 2014
Yirgalem, PNNPR, Ethiopia
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Head of SNNPRS Education Bureau Ato Million Mathiwos Korsisa Opening Remarks for Thinking Schools Ethiopia training with SNNPRS Education Experts • 28 Februray 2014
Yirgalem, PNNPR, Ethiopia
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Head of SNNPR Education Bureau Ato Million Mathiwos Korsisa Interview • 2 March 2014
Yirgalem, PNNPR, Ethiopia
If the above video is not showing click here to view