Thinking Design
Patient Centered Healthcare Model
Ambassador Bole Hotel – Addis Ababa

img_3661A training for Thinking Design facilitated by Robert Price in collaboration with Seble Hailu, and coordinated by Aha Psychological Services was held at the Bole Ambassador Hotel on the 25 April 2015. Participants were from the mental health field, NGOs, education, and universities.

Thinking Design is a systems approach that uses practical research based methods to assure a healthy organization that supports and grows effective communication with and between leadership and the whole organization.  It uses tools that smartly communicate ideas within and outside organization to create collaborations.  It honors and understands the abilities and gifts of all members of an organization.

Thinking Design training uses the Thinking Design research based methods that include:

  • Visual Tools (Thinking Maps) – the use of visual tools to map out ideas;
  • Questioning for Inquiry – high quality questioning and shared inquiry;
  • Collaborative Networking – collaborative thinking; collegial coaching & community building methods;
  • Developing Dispositions – characteristics, dispositions, habits of mind;
  • Designing a Thinking Environment — how the physical space is organized & resources are used.

Thinking Design methods are lifelong skills used for problem solving individually and collaboratively in the whole organization including leaders, professional and staff members.

To live fulfilling lives, people will need to develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions required to shape the lives they can imagine for themselves and their families. The thinking tools are instrumental in knowing oneself, connecting with others, and exploring pathways of successful collaborations supporting a healthy and success organization.

The training has multiple sequential stages: Introduction for learning, practice for mastery and mastery.


Ethiopia Education Strategy Center
Ethiopian Universities
Thinking Schools International & Ethiopia
Concepts, Principles and Practice

The Ethiopia Education Strategy Center hosted a one day training for representatives from all Ethiopian Universities on Thinking Schools International / Ethiopia concepts, principles and practices. The participant centered training was facilitated by Robert Price (Thinking Schools International Global Trainer) and Dagim Melese (Thinking Schools Ethiopia co-lead country trainer). The Ethiopia Education Strategy Center reports to the Ministry of Education with recommendations of innovative quality education practices. The one day workshop included a hands-on participant centered training on the Growing Thinking Schools Inside Out practices, looking at a balance of theory with practical methods (e.g. Thinking Maps visual language, inquiry, dispositions, collaborative learning) and also looked into the Thinking Schools Accreditation Process (TSAP). The training was held at the Ghion Hotel in Addis Ababa on the 23 April 2015.

Download a copy of the TSAP process. Also go to for further information.


Thinking Schools Wukro Tigray Ethiopia
Stage 1: School Leadership Teams Training
20-21 April 2015


Stage 1 Leadership Teams for Wukro Cluster Model Schools
map_of_ethiopiaThe Stage 1 trainings for Leadership Teams (8 principals and lead teachers from each school) of the 36 model schools held training in Wukro Tigray Ethiopia on the 20-21 April 2015. The trainings were facilitated by Thinking Schools Ethiopia Lead Trainer Dagim Melese and Thinking Schools International Global Trainer Robert Price. The Thinking Schools Tigray project director Tesfay Nassr Mohammed coordinated and collaborated on the training. The 18 schools in the Wukro and Mekelle regions are part of the 36 model schools with the Tigray project. There are 12 Woredas participating with 2 primary and 1 secondary schools from each of the Woredas for a total of 36 model schools.
read more about the Wukro region


Photo Below:  Commonalities community building exercise
at the 18-19 April 2015 Thinking Schools Ethiopia training in Axum.


Thinking Schools Axum Tigray Ethiopia
Stage 1: School Leadership Teams Training
17-18 April 2015

Axum, Tigray, Ethiopia — read more about Axum
which is the original capital of the Kingdom of Aksum,
and is one of the oldest continuously inhabited places in Africa.

Commonalities community building exercise
at the 18-19 April 2015 Thinking Schools Ethiopia training in Axum.

Stage 1 Leadership Teams for Axum Cluster Model Schools
The Stage 1 trainings for Leadership Teams (8 principals and lead teachers from each school) of the 36 model schools held training in Axum Tigray Ethiopia on the 20-21 April 2015. The trainings were facilitated by Thinking Schools Ethiopia Lead Trainer Dagim Melese and Thinking Schools International Global Trainer Robert Price. The Thinking Schools Tigray project director Tesfay Nassr Mohammed coordinated and collaborated on the training. The 9 schools in the Axum region are part of the 36 model schools with the Tigray project. There are 12 Woredas participating with 2 primary and 1 secondary schools from each of the Woredas for a total of 36 model schools.


Thinking Schools Shire Tigray Ethiopia
Stage 1: School Leadership Teams Training
14-15 April 2015

Thinking Schools Shire Tigray Ethiopia Read more about Shire

Stage 1 Leadership Teams for Shire Cluster Model Schools
The Stage 1 trainings for Leadership Teams (8 principals and lead teachers from each school) of the 36 model schools began in Shire Tigray Ethiopia on the 14-15 April 2015. The trainings were facilitated by Thinking Schools Ethiopia Lead Trainers Atsede Tsehayou and Dagim Melese, and Thinking Schools International Global Trainer Robert Price. The 9 schools in Shire are part of the 36 model schools with the Tigray project. There are 12 Woredas participating with 2 primary and 1 secondary schools from each of the Woredas for a total of 36 model schools.

The schedule of the trainings is:

Group Zone Number of Woreda  in the group Number of schools Number of participants
One /Shire West 1 3 21
North West 2 6 42
Total 3 9 63
Two/Aksum Central 3 9 63
Total 4 9 63
Three/ Wukro Eastern 2 6 42
South West 1 3 21
Mekelle 1 3 21
South 2 6 42
Total 6 18 126
cluster supervisor 12
cluster supervisor 36
Total participants 262


Stage 2 Whole Schools
Trainings will be whole school trainings facilitated by the leadership teams and a Thinking Schools Ethiopia lead trainer.

Stage 3 Site Visits
This will be followed by regular site visits by Thinking Schools Ethiopia trainers to facilitate professional development and model best practices with demonstration lessons with students.

Video for Reflective Practices, Models of Excellence, Action Research
Video will also be used to capture models of excellence by teachers to share between the 36 model schools.

Trainer of Trainers
Thinking Schools Ethiopia trainers will be trained from Tigray Education Bureau, model schools and Tigray Development Association to assure ongoing growth and the sustainability of Thinking Schools Ethiopia in collaboration with TDA.

Universities and Accreditation
Universities will provide accreditation of Thinking Schools as a reflective practice while building a body of action research to learn and grow the Thinking Schools model. In the Tigray region Mekelle and Aksum Universities will be collaborative partners.
download the pdf file

Read the Proposal for the collaboration with Tigray Development Association, Thinking Schools Ethiopia, Thinking Schools International and Initiative Africa (administering the grant).
download the pdf file

Read the Thinking Schools Accreditation Process.
download the pdf file


Reflections from the participants on video — in Tigrinya – English translation coming soon…

Project Sensitization Workshop
for Growing Thinking Schools Ethiopia from the Inside Out

Project Sensitization Workshop for Growing Thinking Schools Ethiopia from the Inside Out 

A Love in Action –  Initiative Africa (IA) – Eminence Social Entrepreneurs (ESE) Collaboration for Growing Thinking Schools Ethiopia in SNNPRS.
by Dagim Melese — C0-Lead Thinking Schools Ethiopia trainer 

Love in Action Ethiopia (LIAE) conducted a day long project sensitization workshop on Saturday, April 3, 2015, in SNNPR (Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region).  The project is entitled Empowering Women Building Communities through Growing Thinking Schools from the Inside Out in 2 (two) Secondary and College Preparatory schools: Wachamo and Heto Secondary and College Preparatory Schools.  The purpose of the workshop is to consult with key stakeholders on issues of effective implementation of the project program so as to see the adaptability, relevance, use value and instrumentality of the program for the school improvement needs of the education system in the region. The stakeholders included City Education Bureau leadership and experts, Development Activities Coordination Bureau, Finance and Economic development Directorate, School Directors, Model Teachers , Experts from Women Affairs Bureau,  PTA(Parent- Teachers Association), Project Managers and Project Director of Love in Action Ethiopia.

Brief explanation on the project’s  rationale and goal, and discussion on the underlying concepts of the TSE model and among the participants about the problems of high school girls,  issues associated with the project( project’s life -span, project’s budget,  project’s target groups, areas and levels of intervention in the education system ( How is the problem going to be addresses ? Via what strategy?  At what level of education is the intervention going to take place? ) took place. Key questions from the participants were asked as regards the issues and they were responded to by the project director.

The following were some of the comments, questions and experiences shared.

  1. Bearing in mind that it is not easy to bring about desirable change in attitudes, we should be ready to work collaboratively, interdependently, orchestrating expertise and facilitating united efforts.
  2. In the light of our realization and contention about the relevance and usefulness of the project we should have started the intervention from foundational grades (PrK , First Cycle Primary Schools )
  3. We should strategize  ways to make the project all – inclusive : involve parents, people in leadership, students , teachers , PTA , etc ( all stakeholders).
  4. The project is key in terms adding supplementary value.
  5. Female students should be assessed for differentiated interventions.There has to be developed a mechanism of documenting female students profiles.
  6. Schools organizational capacity needs to be supported (there has to be a school psychologist for Guidance and Counseling service in the schools for example ).
  7. Working on facilitating teachers’ expertise is key and foresighted for benefiting the community in a sustainable manner
  8. Why is the project short lasting? Why limited budget while the program you have is of high priority
  9. The capacity building aspect of the program should address all teachers  and instructional leaders
  10. How is the project going to address the socio-economic problems of girls ? Livelihood needs of the female students ?

In accord with the project implementation plan both Wachamo and Heto Schools are planned to receive educational professional training using the Thinking Schools Approach in three(3) different phases –  Instructional leadership team training ,  whole staff training at school site , and ongoing scaffolding support at school sites

Sensitization Workshop for Growing
Thinking Schools Ethiopia
from the Inside Out Project
Tigray Development Association
Eminence Social Entrepreneurs
Initiative Africa Collaboration

Sensitization Workshop for Growing Thinking Schools from the Inside Out Project

A TDA (Tigray Development Association) – Eminence Social Entrepreneurs – Initiative Africa Collaboration for Growing Thinking Schools in the Tigray Region.
by Dagim Melese – Thinking Schools Ethiopia Lead Trainer for Eminence Social Entrepreneurs

Tigray Development Association (TDA) conducted a project sensitization workshop on Saturday, 26 March 2015, in Tigray Regional Administration.  The project is entitled Growing Thinking Schools from the Inside Out in 36 schools representing each Tigray region’s zonal administrations.  The purpose of the workshop is to consult with key stakeholders on issues of effective implementation of the project program so as to see the adaptability, relevance, and instrumentality of the program for the school improvement needs of the education system in the region. The stakeholders included University Lecturers, Dean of Pedagogical sciences, Wereda Supervisors, Project Director, Education quality assurance specialists, Leadership of TDA and Tigray region education bureau.  Brief explanation on alignment of the Thinking School model with school improvement program GEQIP of MOE (Ministry of Education), the project’s goal, and discussion on the underlying concepts of the TSE model preceded a prominent event of the day long workshop: discussions among the participants about criteria for selection of the schools and ways of assessing the fruits of the intervention program.
download the pdf file of the project proposal / overview

Various pragmatic issues were raised and deliberated upon among the participants during the discussion.  There were also thoughts surfaced from different frames of references from the different stakeholders.  The decision on the choice of the schools to be included in the pilot project was sought to be made from the combination of reasoning derived from different and contending vantage points. The following were some of the perspectives entertained in discussion;

  1. Accessible schools – the schools should be accessible: those to and from which are laid down adequate infrastructures hence are easy to work with, follow up, reinforce, and to work on feedbacks.
  2. Schools Previous performance –   the camps included those that preferred a combination of best performing schools and weakly running schools which is thought to shed light to changes due to intervention in comparison. The other camp contends that there are already other similar intervention programs working in same zonal administration and there are also schools that had not benefited from previous intervention programs. Therefore, we should benefit the poorly functioning schools without adequately met infrastructures.
  3. Cycles/Levels of Education – This refers to the question; which level of education is the intervention appropriate? Is it in the first cycle primary education? or Junior secondary cycle ? or Secondary and College preparatory cycle ?

These were the issues the participants consulted with each other and deliberated upon. The discussions were intensely interactive, reflective, and critical from different perspectives.  Group facilitators were observed to be satisfying to their group members. The discussion finally wrapped up with integrative, inclusive and accommodative statements as regards the issues of the discussion.

Key questions that were developed by the participants in the workshop include:

  • What is expected from the project?
  • How can lessons learned be expanded?
  • How should each partner execute their roles?
  • What kind of schools should participate in the project?
  • What is expected from the project intervention?

Stage 1 Leadership Teams
The next step is the upcoming trainings for Leadership Teams (8 principals and lead teachers from each school) of the 36 model schools. The trainings will be facilitated by Thinking Schools Ethiopia Lead Trainers Atsede Tsehayou and Dagim Melese, and Thinking Schools International Global Trainer Robert Price. The trainings will be held from the 12-21 April in 3 locations: Shire, Aksum and Wukro. The schedule of the trainings is:

Group Zone Number of Woreda  in the group Number of schools Number of participants
One /Shire West 1 3 21
North West 2 6 42
Total 3 9 63
Two/Aksum Central 3 9 63
Total 4 9 63
Three/ Wukro Eastern 2 6 42
South West 1 3 21
Mekelle 1 3 21
South 2 6 42
Total 6 18 126
cluster supervisor 12
cluster supervisor 36
Total participants 262


Stage 2 Whole Schools
Trainings will be whole school trainings facilitated by the leadership teams and a Thinking Schools Ethiopia lead trainer.

Stage 3 Site Visits
This will be followed by regular site visits by Thinking Schools Ethiopia trainers to facilitate professional development and model best practices with demonstration lessons with students.

Video for Reflective Practices, Models of Excellence, Action Research
Video will also be used to capture models of excellence by teachers to share between the 36 model schools.

Trainer of Trainers
Thinking Schools Ethiopia trainers will be trained from Tigray Education Bureau, model schools and Tigray Development Association to assure ongoing growth and the sustainability of Thinking Schools Ethiopia in collaboration with TDA.

Universities and Accreditation
Universities will provide accreditation of Thinking Schools as a reflective practice while building a body of action research to learn and grow the Thinking Schools model. In the Tigray region Mekelle and Aksum Universities will be collaborative partners.
download the pdf file

Read the Proposal for the collaboration with Tigray Development Association, Thinking Schools Ethiopia, Thinking Schools International and Initiative Africa (administering the grant).
download the pdf file

Read the Thinking Schools Accreditation Process.
download the pdf file