Reflections on Thinking Schools – UNESCO Program Director

“I would like to see this continue in some form…this was a complete success…to have on an ongoing basis…for public school teachers…that would assist the whole education system in the country because this was a workshop about changing minds…acquiring a new set of beliefs about what education is all about…”

Dr. Awol Endris, UNESCO-IICBA

The UNESCO International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa (IICBA) was officially established by the UNESCO General Conference in October, 1999. Its establishment was part of UNESCO’s drive to decentralize its functions. In particular IICBA expressed UNESCO’s commitment to capacity building in Africa. IICBA is headquartered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and presently has two nodes, one situated within the UNESCO Regional Office in Dakar, and the second one within Pretoria University, South Africa. Through these three centres IICBA provides services to some 20 countries.