From the Sennheiser Press Release: Making it count with Sennheiser
…The workshops took place in a theatre-in-the-round type setting. About 50 of the attendees were asked to participate in a mock classroom while the remaining 350 audience members observed [Robert] Price leading the “students.” A videographer was on the scene, recording footage that would be used as part of a forthcoming DVD/CD Rom educational training series. “To say that the Sennheiser equipment was important is an understatement,” Price observes. “Without our EW 100 ENG microphones, there would have been no way to reproduce the sound and actively engage 400 people. The equipment was also fundamental in capturing high-quality audio for our DVD series.” The video recordings and subsequent DVD production is important to The Thinking Schools Ethiopia efforts for a number of reasons: First, a filmed documentation helps attract funding and broaden exposure for the project overall. Second, teachers in Ethiopia — and beyond — can leverage high-quality training materials to learn about and
adapt the Thinking Schools methodology for their own purposes. “These materials are vital because they empower the viewers to become trained leaders themselves,” Price says. “The Thinking Schools project has put Ethiopia on the cutting edge of educational reforms,” Price concludes. “Change can happen very fast, and technology can accelerate that change to make it even faster. When a company like Sennheiser gets involved, it helps us realize the kind of fundamental support that is really needed to make the project a success.”
read the complete press release (pdf file)
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