I wish I could go to the Ethiopian schools and learn what they learn and see their beautiful country. Qiana
It was great we learned everything we know now from you. The shiro was delicious. Thumbs up for you dude. Idris

My son Ashenafi’s 3rd grade class is studying about classrooms and schools
in other places globally. His school is The Center for Inquiry—School 27 which is in the Indianapolis Public School system in Indiana, United States. My son’s teacher invited me to come into his classroom and share about Ethiopia and Ethiopian schools since I’ve traveled to Ethiopia often to collaborate with schools, and my children were born in Ethiopia. The neighboring 3rd grade classroom also joined us. I decided the best manner of having a sense of schools in Ethiopia was conducting a class, Ethiopian styled. It was my goal for the students to appreciate children everywhere are curious learners with as much to learn and share as all childrenglobally. And about teachers in Ethiopia who are professional educators in one of the world’s oldest countries. And some history for students to better know about Ethiopia on their journey of learning and discovery. The one hour classroom included:
having the students in small groups with one student leading each group;
- wearing a white lab coat as I, the teacher, was facilitating a math lesson with each group having a 100 Birr note (Ethiopian money) and having to determine its’ value in US Dollars knowing the
conversion rate of 20-1; - learning about (briefly) Aksum and the Kingdom of Aksumite with students posing questions and copying information into their exercise books;
- making a soccer ball (futbol) out of paper and tape to model being resourceful which they used during recess later in the day;
- sharing photos from Ethiopian schools from my trips to Ethiopia collaborating with my Ethiopian colleagues Atsede and Dagim in schools there, including a photo of historic Aksum.
Thank you for the wonderful experience. I liked the injera a lot. Xavier (3rd grade student)
I think Ethiopia is so cool! I want to go their myself. Eleanor (3rd grade student)
The food was awesome. Lucy (3rd grade student)
Thank you for letting us make those newspaper and tape soccer [futbol] balls. Brianna (3rd grade student)
Thank you for the shiro and did you know I loved the food you gave me and my friends. Not all my friends liked it, but mostly they did. You are a great teacher. Tania (3rd grade student)
I loved the shiro and injera. Thank you for spending your time to make it for us. Jalen (3rd grade student)
Please come back to share with the next 3rd grade. Devah (3rd grade student)
Thank you for showing me how people in Ethiopia are and thank you for the food. It was hot and it was interesting. Israel (3rd grade student)
I think your cooking is awesome and I LOVED the shiro and injera. I ate ‘til Ashu (my son) and Angel ate the rest up. Karis (3rd grade student)
Thank you for the food. Thank you for teaching us how to do stuff in Ethiopia. Jada (3rd grade student)
Thank you for Dad for bringing in shiro and injera from Ethiopia for the class. Ashenafi (3rd grade student)
Thank you Mr. Price for the shiro and injera and the math problem. Devin (3rd grade student)
Thank you so much for teaching the class about Ethiopia. You went so far above and they loved it. Thank you! Cindi Hamlow (3rd grade teacher)
I wish I could go to the Ethiopian schools and learn what they learn and see their beautiful country. Qiana (3rd grade student)
It was great we learned everything we know now from you. The shiro was delicious. Thumbs up for you dude. Idris (3rd grade student)