Dagim was born in Bale Goba, Southern Ethiopia and raised in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia.
Dagim completed his primary and secondary levels of education in Private and Public schools. His interests in the social sciences led him to deciding to be placed in the social science stream. After having completed the high school education, he was a student Kotebe College of Tearchers Education (KCTE) where he completed his degree. He studied Geography with a minor in Civic and Ethical Education.
Later, he worked as a teacher of social studies in a primary school while educating himself further in Geography and Environmental Studies in the University of Addis Ababa earning a Bachlor of Arts Degree. He then spent several years teaching Civic and Ethical education and Geogrpahy in primary and high schools during which the inspiration mentored by professors in the University in the Depatment of Geography and Environmental Studies shaped the decision he made to further advance his education.
The impetus, inspiration, object of professional vision and meaning, and insights for personal development he got was from the most exciting and richly arousing professional training he received while working in a school called Children’s Home Academy from Robert Seth Price of the Thinking School International.
Simultaneously, he was attending a two years Masters program in the College of Education and Behavioral studies of the University of Addis Ababa and earned a Masters of Education Degree in Geography and Environmental Education. He is now working as a training facilitator for Thinking Schools Ethiopia which is currently part of Thinking Foundation. The Thinking Schools Ethiopia began as a grass roots initiative by Robert Seth Price with whom Dagim has collaborated with for the past six years.
He is freshly motivated to better understand how human brain learns and to put that to use to help children and students learn more efficiently which he believes is fundamentally important in terms of creating a thoughtful, healthy, prosperous , caring ,and sustainable society.